Bathrooms can seem pretty small and uninviting, not to mention smelly. The best way to liven up your bathroom and keep it smelling fresh is to add some colorful flowering plants in pretty pots. No matter the color scheme for your bathroom, there is a flower out there for you. Now that you know how to grow them read on. Here is the list of the top flowering plants for your bathroom:
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Orchids are the perfect for bathrooms — they love humidity, they add beauty, and they liven up the bathroom with a pop of color. Best of all, they get rid of those bad bathroom smells and replace them with a wonderful fragrance. This exotic flower has fascinated humans for centuries. In fact, Confucius had kept orchids in his own home and even wrote poems about their fragrance. If this flower was good enough for one of the wisest individuals to ever live, then it’s good enough for us. So, pour yourself a bath and breathe in the wonderful fragrance enjoyed by so many for so long. Enjoy one of the best flowering plants for the bathroom.
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Orchid Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 50 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Water only when soil is dried out
- How often to Fertilize: An old saying is to fertilize orchids “weakly, weekly”
- Pet Friendliness: In General is Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats but make sure to double check for your specific hybrid
- Size: Depends on specific Orchid type
The Flower Farmer
from: Chelsea Green Publishing
Arabian Jasmine

Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) may look delicate with its gentle white petals, but its perfume is an intense musky floral — a more masculine scent. This fragrance will get rid of any bathroom stench while the delicate look will soften the style of your bathroom. It is the perfect plant for those of us who are tough but beautiful. Bonus, it loves humidity! That is what makes it one of the best flowering plants for the bathroom.
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Arabian Jasmine Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 90 degrees
- How often to water: Water when upper part 2 inches of soil starts to get dry
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to dogs and cats
- Size: Up to 10 feet in the wild
Tea Rose Begonia
The Tea Rose Begonia (Begonia fibrous hybrid) petals are a beautiful light pink that will add just a hint of color to your bathroom. Its fragrant blooms are enhanced in humidity. It is the perfect touch to any bathroom.
Tea Rose Begonia Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Filtered Light
- Temperature Preference: Above 60 degrees
- How often to water: Keep soil most but never soggy
- How often to Fertilize: Weekly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to dogs and cats
- Size: Up to 30 inches
Chenille Plant

The Chenille Plant (Acalypha pendula) is best displayed as a hanging plant. Its gorgeous “caterpillar” flowers cascade down creating a stunning trailing effect. The texture adds an interesting touch. It is so unique that anyone who sees your bathroom is sure to comment on it. However, these enticing beauties are slightly toxic — so keep children and pets away from them.
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Chenille Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Direct Sun to Partial Shade
- Temperature Preference: Above 60 degrees — do not let dip below this temperature
- How often to water: Keep soil evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Weekly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: In containers stays about 2 to 3 feet.
Peace Lily
The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is a serene plant that will turn your humid bathroom into a spa-like sanctuary. According to a NASA study, this plant will clear the air of benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toulene, and ammonia. So breathe a little easier knowing that The Peace Lily is doing the dirty work of filtering that air for you. This plant also loves humidity. So let the bright white flowers brighten up your morning as you brush your teeth and bring a little serenity into your evenings. That is what makes it one of the best flowering plants for the bathroom.
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Peace Lily Stats:
- Light Preference: Partial Shade to Low Light
- Temperature Preference: 68 to 85 degrees
- How often to water: Keep soil moist; will sag when needs water
- How often to Fertilize: Every 6 months
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to cats and dogs
- Size: 24 inches to 50 inches
Upright Air Plant
The Upright Air Plant (Tillandsia stricta) has gorgeous flowers and is also super small. It is perfect for small bathrooms and can hang from the ceiling in a terrarium for the super small bathroom. Even though the flowers on the Upright Air Plant only last for one day (yes, you read that right), the colorful leaves below can last for three months. While some air plants are not meant for humidity, this one loves it. As an air plant, do not put this fella in soil and make sure to water by completely submerging it.
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Upright Air Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Filtered Light (like through a sheer curtain)
- Temperature Preference: 50 to 90 degrees
- How often to water: Water once or twice a week by submerging in water for 30 minutes, shake off excess after done
- How often to Fertilize: Never
- Pet Friendliness: Not Known
- Size: 4 to 10 inches
Christmas Cactus
The Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) adds a little winter cheer to any bathroom, getting its name from the time of year it blooms. The Christmas Cactus is not a true cactus, so it is more amenable to the humid climate of a bathroom. I have had one of these for years and I will admit I was not always a good plant parent to it. However, my Christmas Cactus is thriving. I swear these plants are indestructible.
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Christmas Cactus Stats:
- Light Preference: Moderate Light
- Temperature Preference: 55 to 65 degrees
- How often to water: Keep evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Every 2 weeks with High-Potassium Fertilizer
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 6 to 12 inches

When picking out an Azalea for your bathroom make sure to get a greenhouse Azalea, not a hardy Azalea. This will do better indoors. Also make sure to pick one out that will match the colors of your particular bathroom. This is a good plant to put next to your sink area where you can see it every day. That is what makes it one of the best flowering plants for the bathroom.
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Azalea Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 70 degrees
- How often to water: Keep evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Every 2 weeks with High-Phosphorus Fertilizer
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 2 feet
Cape Primrose

The Cape Primrose (Streptocarpus) is a beautiful cousin of the African Violet. The leaves are quite delicate. So, handle this plant with care. Place it in an area of the bathroom that is far away from children’s reach. If you are able to do so, the beauty of having these flowers liven up your bathroom every day will be more than worth it. Also, this flowering plant is perfect for bathrooms because it loves humidity.
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Cape Primrose Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 70 degrees
- How often to water: Allow soil to dry out in between watering
- How often to Fertilize: Every 2 weeks with High-Phosphorus Fertilizer
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 12 inches

Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) is a stunning houseplant that will brighten up any bathroom. They are super easy to grow and come with an abundance of fresh blooms. The flowers are large and plenty — this is a plant you will want to put on display. After the blooms fade, the plant is never quite the same. However when the flowers are there for a moment in time — no matter how brief — it is worth it.
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Gloxinia Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 78 degrees
- How often to water: Keep evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 6 to 12 inches
Phenomenal Lavender
Phenomenal Lavender (Lavandula x intermedia Phenomenal) is a member of the lavender family that is hardier and loves humidity. It is the perfect lavender plant to grow in the bathroom because it is the only lavender plant that thrives in that environment. Add some calming scents to your bathroom with this lavender plant.
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Phenomenal Lavender Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: Can withstand 10 degrees or higher — very hardy plant, so your home temperature will be fine
- How often to water: Let soil dry slightly between watering
- How often to Fertilize: Annually
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 24 to 32 inches
African Violet

The African Violet (Saintpaulia) flowers continuously throughout the entire year. Your bathroom will be that much cheerier no matter what time of year with this flower. The African Violet comes from Tanzania originally, a country where it is hot and humid on the coast. Hence, why this flowering plant works so great in the bathroom.
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African Violet Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Keep Soil Very Lightly Moist With Room Temperature Water Only
- How often to Fertilize: Every 6 weeks
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 8 to 16 inches