Do you lack space in your bathroom? Do you want plants in your shower but lack the shelf space? Do you just like the look of hanging plants? Well, you are not alone. Hanging plants are becoming more popular as decor in the bathroom and in the shower. It is one trend Shower Jungle stands behind. Here are the best hanging plants for the bathroom and shower:
As an aside — here is a good diy step-by-step guide on how to hang your plants.
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String of Pearls

The String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) is a gorgeous plant to hang in any bathroom or shower. The little green bulbs that float down to the ground resemble an elegant string of pearls. This plant adds a touch of charm to any bathroom. The long trailing pearls are great for hanging baskets that really show off their beauty. This is the perfect plant for anyone who wants to feel like Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis when they get ready in the morning. As a succulent, it likes average to dry humidity. So, perfect for a guest bathroom or a single person bathroom.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, The Sill.
String of Pearls Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Do not over-water. Water when soil feels dry.
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: Up to 3 feet
Air Plant

Air plants (Tillandsia) are some of the most insta-worthy plants out there. One of the most stylish ways to display them is by hanging the air plant from the ceiling in a terrarium. There are so many cool looking air plants out there — we have previously featured the Upright Air Plant. Another great air plant for bathrooms is the Bulbosa Air Plant (Tillandsia Bulbosa). The Bulbosa thrives in hot, humid environments. In fact, it is often found in cypress swamps. In these environments, in the wild, the plant can often be found lying horizontally or upside down to prevent the bulbous base from rotting. Hang this fella however you choose in your bathroom, it will make your interior design picture perfect either way.
Buy an air plant and have it delivered right to your door by our trusted partner on Amazon.
Bulbosa Air Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Filtered Light
- Temperature Preference: 50 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Mist every third day. Allow the plant to completely dry between watering. Soak once monthly for ten minutes — plant must dry out within three hours or so.
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly — during soak
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 6 to 8 inches
Boston Fern

The Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata), also known as the Sword Fern, is one of the most popular bathroom plants and is especially beautiful as a hanging plant. It has long, delicate leaves that cascade over the edge of the basket. Yet, it is tough as nails. Ideally, the Boston Fern loves warm and humid conditions. So, try not to place by the fan, as this can dry the plant out. It loves moisture so much that drying out is the number one reason this fern passes away, so keep that soil watered. After all, even the grittiest among us needs a little TLC once in a while. Given its toughness, it is definitly one of the best hanging plants for the bathroom and shower.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner on Amazon.
Boston Fern Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 78 degrees
- How often to water: Keep soil evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 3 feet
Chenille Plant

The Chenille Plant (Acalypha pendula) is one of the most unique, photo-worthy, texture-filled, amazingly-gorgeous plants that we have ever seen. The name chenille comes from the French word for caterpillar. Those crimson, fuzzy flowers do resemble caterpillars with their slender shape and woolly bodies. Perfect for hanging baskets because the “caterpillars” cascade down and have even grown up to eighteen inches. However, these enticing beauties are slightly toxic — so keep children and pets away from them. Remember, this exotic plant is for looking and touching only.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner on Amazon.
Chenille Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Direct Sun to Partial Shade
- Temperature Preference: Above 60 degrees — do not let dip below this temperature
- How often to water: Keep soil evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Weekly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: In containers stays about 2 to 3 feet.
Jade Pothos

The Jade Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum) has deep, rich green leaves. No wonder they remind people of vibrant and valuable jade. Not only are the leaves stunning in color, they have a beautiful heart shape. Put these two together and the Jade Plant is the way to turn your seemingly ordinary bathroom into a romantic oasis. Think warm bubble baths for two. Jade Pothos love humidity so any bubble baths will be more than welcomed by this plant. This love of humidity is why it is one of the best hanging plants for the bathroom and shower
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
Jade Pothos Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 85 degrees
- How often to water: Allow soil to dry out between watering
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 10 feet
Spider Plant

The Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is so named for the way it drops down new little spider babies. These spider babies can then be planted and turn into spider adults that can drop down its own spider babies. These plants are ridiculously easy to grow; they are survivors. So, pretty soon you have an entire Spider Plant jungle in your bathroom!
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner on Amazon.
Spider Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 90 degrees
- How often to water: Water when first inch of soil is dry; about 1x per week — careful not to overwater (this is the #1 reason for Spider Plant death)
- How often to Fertilize: Every 3 months
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 3 feet
Staghorn Fern

The Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum) is a humidity-loving plant. It has large sharp sections branching off from each leaf, which, of course, does resemble a stag’s horn. Like a stag, this plant gives off a strong, dignified vibe. This hanging plant is perfect for anyone who wants to feel like Olivia Pope or Leroy Jethro Gibbs when they get ready in the morning. It gives off no nonsense, strong, independent leader vibes. So wake up, brush your teeth, put up a Staghorn Fern or two, and go kick some ass in the world!
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
Staghorn Fern Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 50 to 100 degrees
- How often to water: Keep soil evenly moist but never soaked
- How often to Fertilize: Every 4 months
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 4 feet
Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos, or Cascading Pothos, (Epipremnum aureum) was recently featured in our list of plants that are best for bathroom Feng Shui. It is often called Devil’s Ivy because it is so hard to kill that it can take over a whole garden. So if you are feeling a little devilish, this may be the plant for you. This fella not only survives your bad plant-parenting, but thrives in it. No plant-sitter when you’re on vacation? No problem. Forget to water for a few days? Or, was it weeks? OK, maybe it has been a month? Either way, no problem. So, get out that greenish-thumb of yours and let these leaves trail from bathroom floor to bathroom ceiling. Its low maintenance attitude makes it one of the best hanging plants for the bathroom and shower.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
Golden Pothos Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Filtered Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 85 degrees
- How often to water: Best to underwater vs overwater, water when first quarter-inch starts to feel dry
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to dogs, cats, humans
- Size: up to 10 feet
Arrowhead Plant

The Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum) is perfect for hanging baskets because over time it will form vines that can trail down, giving a beautiful cascading effect. The leaves of this plant are fascinating. They have gorgeous mixture of light and dark green mixed together that gives off a speckled appearance. What is even more fascinating is that the leaves change shape as they mature from a nice arrowhead shape (hence the name) to leaves with finger-like projections coming off. How neat is that?
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner on Amazon.
Arrowhead Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Filtered Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 75 degrees
- How often to water: Allow soil to dry out between watering
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to dogs, cats, humans
- Size: up to 6 feet