Living in the northern hemisphere, south facing bathroom windows are wonderful. They bring in warmth and light, adding brightness and cheer. This light also is great for a wide variety of plants that thrive in full sunlight. Here are the best plants for south facing bathroom windows:
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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) grows wonderfully in direct, bright sunlight. This is why it works great in Southern Facing Windows. It is also the perfect plant for a bathroom as it works in conjunction with many items found in the medicine cabinet. Everyone knows it helps treat burns, but it also has been shown to do so much more. Read this article to identify ways to use the Aloe Vera in your bathroom. In addition, it adds a little green to your bathroom. It is very hardy. So even if you forget about it for a while, it will survive.
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Aloe Vera Stats:
- Light Preference: Full Sun
- Temperature Preference: 55 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Allow soil to fully dry before watering
- How often to Fertilize: yearly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to dogs and cats
- Size: two feet
Jade Plant

The Jade Plant (Crassula ovata), like the Aloe Vera, is a beautiful succulent plant. It also loves bright, sunny areas. — great for south facing windows. These are popular gift plants, due to the belief that they bring good luck and wealth to their recipients. On top of bringing joy with their green, oval-shaped leaves; the Jade plant will sometimes flower in the winter. These beautiful, white flowers are so fragrant that they can help rid your bathroom of odors.
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Jade Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Full Sun
- Temperature Preference: 65 to 70 degrees
- How often to water: Water enough so soil is moist but not wet
- How often to Fertilize: weekly
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to dogs and cats
- Size: up to six feet
Boston Fern

The Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) loves warm and humid conditions (hello, can you say showers?!?!). It loves moisture so much that drying out is the number one reason this fern passes away, so make sure to splash lots of water on it while you are showering. It also loves to get rid of any moisture or humidity in the air. Besides loving moisture, it also loves sun. This makes it one of the best plants for south facing bathroom plants.
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Boston Fern Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 78 degrees
- How often to water: Keep soil evenly moist
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 3 feet
Spider Plant

The Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is so named for the way it drops down new little spider babies. These spider babies make for fun looking hanging plants. Spider plants are also ridiculously easy to grow and love the humidity of the bathroom. The best part for bathrooms with south facing windows is that they love the sun!
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Spider Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 90 degrees
- How often to water: Water when first inch of soil is dry; about 1x per week — careful not to overwater (this is the #1 reason for Spider Plant death)
- How often to Fertilize: Every 3 months
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: up to 3 feet
Arabian Jasmine

Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) may look delicate with its gentle white petals, but its perfume is an intense musky floral — a more masculine scent. This fragrance will get rid of any bathroom stench while the delicate look will soften the style of your bathroom. Bonus, it loves humidity and sun. That is why it is one of the best plants for south facing bathroom windows.
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Arabian Jasmine Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright Light
- Temperature Preference: 70 to 90 degrees
- How often to water: Water when upper part 2 inches of soil starts to get dry
- How often to Fertilize: Monthly
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to dogs and cats
- Size: Up to 10 feet in the wild