It’s true — plants need sunlight to survive. Luckily, all hope is not lost if you are one of the unfortunate few in the world to have a no-sun bathroom. You can still create your jungle oasis. Why is this possible? Because some plants need very little light and if you are able to get enough ambient light from the hallway, these plants can still survive. They can do even better than survive if you take them on occasional field trips to window rooms, get grow lights, and/or have fluorescent lighting. Here is our list of the top five plants for a chance at survival in a windowless bathroom:
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ZZ Plant

If the Destiny’s Child classic “Survivor” was inspired by a plant, it was surely the ZZ plant ( Zamioculcas zamiifolia ), also called zanzibar gem. ZZ can survive in almost any condition — from bright, indirect sun exposure to dark enveloping shade. Bonus, you can neglect the ZZ plant for long periods of time and it will still love you. Going on a long vacation? No need to get a plant sitter for this guy — it can handle itself. A NASA study found that it also purifies the air from toxins like xylene, toluene, and benzene. What a plant!
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
ZZ Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Low to Bright Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 75 degrees
- How often to water: Approx. once a month
- How often to Fertilize: Once a Month
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats; (Also Toxic to Humans if Eaten!!!)
- Size: 2 to 5 feet
Cast Iron Plant

The Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) is so good at being without sun for long periods that you will often find it as decor in bars and restaurants – hence its nickname as Bar Room Plant. Basically this plant was built for windowless bathrooms! It is a no-fuss, hardy plant that will love you even on the darkest days.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
Cast Iron Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Full Shade
- Temperature Preference: 45 to 85 degrees
- How often to water: Approx. once a month
- How often to Fertilize: Every 2 weeks
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic
- Size: 2 feet
Dumb Cane Plant

The Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia Amoena) may have dumb in its name, but this plant is anything but dumb. It finds a way to survive even the dimmest of conditions. The plant’s personality is more like its nickname “Leopard Lily”; it is fierce and vicious. The plant is swift to take revenge on anyone who dares to bite off a leaf by making their tongue swell. Here is to a plant that makes you speechless!
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner on Amazon.
Dumb Cane Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light to Full Shade
- Temperature Preference: 65 to 75 degrees
- How often to water: Approx. once a month; allow to dry between watering
- How often to Fertilize: Every Month
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to dogs and cats (Also toxic to humans!)
- Size: 5 feet
Parlor Palm

The Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans) will make you feel like you have stepped out of the shower and into an elegant resort spa by the Ocean. As far as palms go, this guy is also pretty indestructible and can handle the dimmest of light.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
Parlor Palm Stats:
- Light Preference: Bright, Indirect Light to Full Shade
- Temperature Preference: 65 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Never let Palm sit in water; water when top inch feels dry, keep soil most
- How often to Fertilize: Every 6 months
- Pet Friendliness: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 2 to 6 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide
Snake Plant

The Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata) is the spike-leafed, colorful addition to your morning bathroom routine you didn’t know you needed. Although its alternative name, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, seems less than ideal; one look at this guy every day and it will be you who are ready to express your opinions to the world. Look at the Snake Plant as the motivational speaker of the plant world and a lesson on how to push through any darkness sent your way.
Get it delivered to your doorstep by our trusted partner, Leon & George.
Snake Plant Stats:
- Light Preference: Shade to Indirect Light
- Temperature Preference: 60 to 80 degrees
- How often to water: Approx. every 2 weeks; Let soil dry out completely between watering
- How often to Fertilize: Annually
- Pet Friendliness: Toxic to Dogs and Cats
- Size: 8 inches to 12 feet